Bald Hills Bushies
Barungwarra Bushland Reserve, Bald Hills, Brisbane

Blog - 2020

Next meeting date: 7.00 am Saturday 17th October at Barungwarra Bushland Reserve

Previous Meetings

Saturday 18th December - Our annual Christmas Breakup was held near the Shed. We were pleased to welcome Councillor Sandy Launders to our breakup. Week ending 11th December. Brisbane Habitat has 100 cu. mt .of mulch delivered and hired a Bob Cat to spread it between several existing beds to join them together. Thursday 3rd December - Our usual meeting at the Ahoy Café. We welcomed new Bushie Anthia. Saturday 16th October - We worked on clearing the area around the spoon Drain bed 3. The girls worked on clearing Maderia vine from Sandbag Bed Thursday 1st October. We held out monthly meeting at the Ahoy coffee shop in Bald Hills. See ‘What’s Happening’ for pictures of us celebrating International Coffee Day. Sunday, 27th September. Glen and Bob worked for 4 hours on the Scouts bed, planting some new trees and mulching the bed. When we we preparing the holes for the trees, we found that there was only a thin layer of topsoil and then we were down to the original sand base. Glen dug deep holes with a pinch bar and then we filled the holes with soil before planting the new trees. We finished the project by mulching the edge, thereby increasing it by 1 merer along the northern edge, This fits in with our overall strategy of combining some beds and increasing the size of others to provide better habitat for small creatures. Saturday 19th September - We worked on the large infestation of Madera Vine in the Sandbag Bed. The vine has been climbing up many of the trees in the bed, and in some cases, the weight has caused them to fall over. The vine was bagged and disposed of off site. Saturday August 15th 2020 -We had our monthly working bee and cleared the remains of the mullock heap near the Scouts bed by using it to extend the bed. Jenny Leask from Habitat Brisbane attended and we discussed future operations and stratagies. Whilst walking through the park we noticed a pair of Paciific Baza birds and as we moved on, they appeared to be following us. We guessed that they were seeking some protection from the Indian Myna birds who were trying to scare them off.. Tuesday 11th August 2020. Glen and Bob removed most on the contents of the large mullock heap neat the Scouts bed, to the nudgee recycling centre. This has been sitting there for up to 3 years and out attempts to recycle it into the beds have been thwarded by the continual adding of new weeds to the top. Also, it was coverev and surrounded with weeds because we have been unable to work on it during the coronovirus lockdown. Saturday 18th July 2020. Our monthly working Bee. We planted some additional trees and shrubs provided by Helen and Mick. Saturday 20th June. 2020. Our first meeting after the Coronovirus shufdown and with nowork done at the park, the area is now grossly overrun with weede. We worked on the Ralway bed, clearing cobblers pegs. March to May 2020 We were unable to meet at the park because of coronovirus restrictions. February15th 2020. the montly working bee. We planted some additional shrubs and cleared madera vine from the beds. .
© B. Clifford for Bald Hills Bushies 2020 Tree beds are referenced by the name used by bushies to identify them. Names and locations of these beds are indicated on the maps.
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